All variants in the BMPR1A gene

Information The variants shown are described using the NM_004329.2 transcript reference sequence.

10 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 10.
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AscendingDNA change (cDNA)     




RNA change     

Review status     

DNA change (genomic) (hg38)     



dbSNP ID     

Variant remarks     

?/? 5UTR c.-14A>G p.(?) Hetero ATM r.(=) - g.86876005A>G - BMPR1A_000006 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
+/+ 6-10 exon 6-10 deletion p.(?) Hetero N/A r.(?) - exon 6-10 deletion - BMPR1A_000004 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano
-/- 3 c.4C>A p.(Pro2Thr) Hetero no r.(?) - g.86876022C>A - BMPR1A_000002 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
-/- 3 c.4C>A p.(Pro2Thr) Hetero no r.(?) - g.86876022C>A - BMPR1A_000002 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
?/? 4 c.94G>C p.(Gly32Arg) Hetero no r.? - g.86890088G>C - BMPR1A_000007 rs755462552 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
?/? 7 c.446G>T p.(Gly149Val) Hetero no r.(=) - g.86900042G>T - BMPR1A_000005 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
?/? 7 c.446G>T p.(Gly149Val) Hetero no r.(=) - g.86900042G>T - BMPR1A_000005 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
?/? 7 c.499A>G p.(Met167Val) Hetero no r.? - g.86900095A>G - BMPR1A_000008 rs200951235 - Norma Rossi - Sanatorio Allende
?/? 8 c.536_538del p.(Tyr179del) Hetero no r.(?) RECLASSIFIED MARCH 2018 g.86912245_86912247del - BMPR1A_000001 - - Vanesa Lotersztein-Genesia/Progenitest
-?/- 10 c.1140C>T p.(=) Hetero no r.(=) - g.86919443C>T - BMPR1A_000003 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
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