All screenings for gene NF2

9 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 9.
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AscendingScreening ID     

Individual ID     





Date of test     

Type of test     

Variants found     

0000000134 00000123 DNA SEQ;MLPA MANLAB;IMEGEN - 17-feb-2017 Specific pathology 1 Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
0000000779 00000671 DNA SEQ-NG Reference Laboratory Genetics - 22-aug-2016 Specific pathology panel - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
0000000780 00000671 DNA MLPA Reference Laboratory Genetics - 28-nov-2016 Specific pathology panel Not yet submitted Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
0000001284 00001073 DNA CNV;SEQ-NG IACA - 27-dec-2019 Multigenetic panel 20 Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
0000001553 00001314 DNA CNV;SEQ-NG Genda test performed in a laboratory abroad, which is certified by CLIA and CAP 11-jul-2019 Multigenetic panel - Jesica Ramirez-Hospital Central de Mendoza
0000001560 00001321 DNA CNV;SEQ-NG Genda test performed in a laboratory abroad, which is certified by CLIA and CAP 4-jun-2019 Specific pathology 1 Jesica Ramirez-Hospital Central de Mendoza
0000002409 00002122 DNA SEQ-NG Invitae Invitae Schwannomatosis Panel (LZTR1, NF2, SMARCB1) 23-jul-2022 Specific pathology - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
0000002710 00002424 DNA SEQ;MLPA GENDA;INVITAE Sequence analysis and deletion/duplication testing of NF2, SMARCB1. Invitae Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Test, Add-on Schwannomatosis Gene. 07-04-23 Specific pathology - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
0000002729 00002443 DNA SEQ;MLPA;arrayCGH GENDA;INVITAE Sanger, MLPA, MLPA-seq, Array CGH. NF2, SMARCB1 31-07-23 Specific pathology Not yet submitted Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
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