Graphs and statistics for the FLCN gene
Variant type (DNA level, all public variants)
All public variants (16)
| Unknown | | Deletions | | repeat | | Substitutions |
Unknown 19% Deletions 13% repeat 6% Substitutions 63%
Unique public variants (12)
| Unknown | | Deletions | | repeat | | Substitutions |
Unknown 17% Deletions 17% repeat 8% Substitutions 58%
Variant type (DNA level, all public pathogenic variants)
All public pathogenic variants (6)
Unknown 50% Deletions 33% repeat 17%
Unique public pathogenic variants (5)
Unknown 40% Deletions 40% repeat 20%
Variant type (Protein level, all public variants) (note: numbers are sums for all transcripts of this gene)
All public variants (16)
Could not draw pie with labels contained inside canvas | Unknown | | Frameshifts | | Missense changes | | Silent changes | | Stop changes |
Unique public variants (9)
| Unknown | | Frameshifts | | Missense changes | | Silent changes | | Stop changes |
Unknown 22% Frameshifts 11% Missense changes 44% Silent changes 11% Stop changes 11%
Variant type (Protein level, all public pathogenic variants) (note: numbers are sums for all transcripts of this gene)
All public pathogenic variants (6)
| Unknown | | Frameshifts | | Stop changes |
Unknown 50% Frameshifts 33% Stop changes 17%
Unique public pathogenic variants (3)
| Unknown | | Frameshifts | | Stop changes |
Unknown 33% Frameshifts 33% Stop changes 33%
Variant location (DNA level, all public variants) (note: numbers are sums for all transcripts of this gene)
All public variants (16)
| Coding | | Splice region | | Start codon |
Coding 88% Splice region 6% Start codon 6%
Unique public variants (12)
| Coding | | Splice region | | Start codon |
Coding 83% Splice region 8% Start codon 8%
Variant type (DNA level, all public pathogenic variants) (note: numbers are sums for all transcripts of this gene)
All public pathogenic variants (6)
| Coding | | Splice region | | Start codon |
Coding 67% Splice region 17% Start codon 17%
Unique public pathogenic variants (5)
| Coding | | Splice region | | Start codon |
Coding 60% Splice region 20% Start codon 20%