Unique variants in the MSH2 gene

Information The variants shown are described using the NM_000251.2 transcript reference sequence.

85 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 85.
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AscendingDNA change (cDNA)     

RNA change     




Review status     

DNA change (genomic) (hg38)     



dbSNP ID     

Variant remarks     

-/- 6 5'UTR c.-118T>C r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Homo no, PMS2 - g.47403074T>C - MSH2_000016 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano
+?/+? 1 3-6 deletion 3 - 6 exons r.? p.? Hetero no - g.? - DIS3L2_000004 - - Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 1 1 deletion of exon 1 . . Hetero EPCAM - deletion of exon 1 - MSH2_000041 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
+/+ 1 2-3 deletion of exons 2-3 . . Hetero N/A - deletion of exons 2-3 - MSH2_000042 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
-/- 2 1 c.23C>T r.(?) p.(Thr8Met) Hetero no - g.47403214C>T - MSH2_000022 - - Gonzalo Tabares-CEMA, Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
+/+ 1 1 c.130_131delinsG r.(?) p.(Thr44Glyfs*20) Hetero N/A - g.47403321_47403322delinsG - MSH2_000039 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
+/+ 1 1 c.182del r.? p.(Gln61fs) Hetero no - g.47403373del - MSH2_000086 rs1553348882 - Marcela Lopez-CEMAFE
-?/? 1 1 c.198C>T r.(=) p.(=) Hetero BRCA2 RECLASSIFIED JULY 2022 g.47403389C>T - MSH2_000051 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
./-, -/- 33 1i c.211+9C>G r.(=) p.(=) Homo, Hetero no, MLH1, BRCA2;MSH2, MSH2, BRCA2, MLH1, MUTYH, PMS2 - g.47403411C>G - MSH2_000002 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad, Florencia Petracchi-CEMIC, Lina Nuñez-Hospital Alemán, Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano, Dolores Mansilla-Instituto Roffo
-/- 13 1i c.211+98T>C r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Homo MLH1, no, MSH2, MLH1, MUTYH, PMS2 - g.47403500T>C - MSH2_000011 - - Lina Nuñez-Hospital Alemán, Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton, Florencia Petracchi-CEMIC, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano
+?/+? 1 2 c.212-?_366+?dup r.spl? p.? Hetero N/A dup exon 2 g.47408401-?_47408555+?dup dup exon 2 MSH2_000025 - - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
-?/-? 1 2 c.336C>A r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no - g.47408525C>A - MSH2_000054 - - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
-?/?, -/- 2 2i c.367-168C>T r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Homo no RECLASSIFIED MARCH 2018, RECLASSIFIED JUNE 2019 g.47409926C>T - MSH2_000018 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton
-/- 2 3 c.380A>G r.(?) p.(Asn127Ser) Hetero no - g.47410107A>G - MSH2_000044 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Laura Vargas Roig-IMBECU
?/? 1 3 c.386C>G r.(386c>g) p.(Ser129Cys) Hetero no - g.47410113C>G - MSH2_000065 - - Norma Rossi - Sanatorio Allende
+/+ 1 3 c.388_389del r.(?) p.(Gln130Valfs*2) Hetero N/A - g.47410115_47410116del - MSH2_000056 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 2 3 c.388_389delCA r.(?) p.(Gln130Valfs*2) Hetero N/A - g.47410115_47410116delCA - MSH2_000031 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
?/- 1 3 c.395A>G r.(?) p.(Glu132Gly) Hetero no - g.47410122A>G - MSH2_000059 - - Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba
?/? 3 3 c.435T>G r.(435u>g), r.(?) p.Ile145Met, p.(Ile145Met) Hetero no - g.47410162T>G - MSH2_000026 rs63750124 - Laura Vargas Roig-IMBECU, Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano
?/? 1 3 c.458C>G r.(?) p.(Ser153Cys) Hetero no - g.47410185C>G - MSH2_000045 - - Maria Micaela Zicavo-Inst. Diag. La Plata
-/- 1 3 c.540T>C r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no - g.47410267T>C - MSH2_000046 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
-/- 1 3 c.573C>T r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no - g.47410300C>T - MSH2_000012 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 1 4 c.715C>T r.(?) p.(Gln239*) Hetero N/A - g.47412483C>T - MSH2_000033 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
?/? 1 4 c.728G>A r.? p.(Arg243Gln) Hetero no - g.47412496G>A - MSH2_000085 rs63751455 - Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba
?/? 1 4 c.759G>A r.(759g>a) (p.Met253Ile). Hetero no - g.47412527G>A - MSH2_000071 rs1060502021 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
+/+ 1 4i c.792+1G>A r.? p.? Hetero NTHL1 - g.47412561G>A - MSH2_000068 rs267607934 (splice donor) Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 1 5 c.914_923del r.(?) p.(Ala305Glufs*23) Hetero N/A - g.47414390_47414399del - MSH2_000035 - - Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano
?/., ?/? 3 5 c.933C>A r.(?), r.(933c>a) p.(Asn311Lys) Hetero PTEN, no, PALB2 - g.47414409C>A - MSH2_000028 - - Cecilia Montes-Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba, Jesica Ramirez-Hospital Central de Mendoza
+?/+?, +?/+ 3 5i c.942+1G>A r.spl? p.? Hetero N/A RECLASSIFIED JULY 2022 g.47414419G>A - MSH2_000024 - - Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 5 5i c.942+3A>T r.spl? p.? Hetero N/A - g.47414421A>T - MSH2_000004 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo, Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba, Marcela Lopez-CEMAFE
-/-? 1 5i c.942+25_942+29del r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no - g.47414443_47414447del - MSH2_000049 - - Laura Vargas Roig-IMBECU
./-, -/- 2 6 c.965G>A r.(?) p.(Gly322Asp) Hetero no - g.47416318G>A - MSH2_000007 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad, Dolores Mansilla-Instituto Roffo
+/+ 1 6 c.970_971delCA r.(?) p.(Gln324Valfs*8) Hetero N/A - g.47416323_47416324delCA - MSH2_000032 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
?/? 1 6 c.991A>G r.(?) p.(Asn331Asp) Hetero no - g.47416344A>G - MSH2_000047 - - Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba
?/? 1 6 c.1039A>C r.? p.(Lys347Gln) Hetero no - g.47416392A>C - MSH2_000077 - - Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba
?/? 2 6 c.1045C>G r.(1045c>g) p.(Pro349Ala) Hetero no - g.47416398C>G - MSH2_000063 - - Jesica Ramirez-Hospital Central de Mendoza, Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba
-/- 16 6i, 9i c.1077-80G>A r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Homo MLH1, no, MSH2, PMS2 - g.47429662G>A - MSH2_000010 - - Lina Nuñez-Hospital Alemán, Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton, Alejandra Mampel-Hospital Universitario de Mendoza, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano, Florencia Petracchi-CEMIC
-/-, ./- 5 6i c.1077-10T>C r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Homo no, BRCA2 - g.47429732T>C - MSH2_000019 - - Laura Vargas Roig-IMBECU, Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 1 6i c.1077-2A>C r.spl? p.? Hetero N/A - g.47429740A>C - MSH2_000030 - - Lina Nuñez-Hospital Alemán
+/+ 1 7 c.1077-?_1276+?del r.(?) . Hetero N/A del exon 7 . - MSH2_000027 - - Pablo Kalfayan-CEMIC
+/+ 1 7 c.1129C>T r.(?) p.(Gln377*) Hetero N/A - g.47429794C>T - MSH2_000029 - - Norma Rossi-Hospital de Córdoba
+/+ 1 7 c.1147C>T r.? p.(Arg383*) Hetero N/A - g.47429812C>T - MSH2_000074 rs63749849 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
+/+ 1 7 c.1165C>T r.? p.(Arg389Ter) Hetero N/A - g.47429830C>T - MSH2_000073 rs587779075 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
+/+ 1 7 c.1204C>T r.? p.(Gln402*) Hetero N/A - g.47429869C>T - MSH2_000075 rs63751412 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
?/? 1 7 c.1217G>A r.(?) p.(Arg406Gln) Hetero no - g.47429882G>A - MSH2_000048 - - Laura Vargas Roig-IMBECU
+/+ 1 7 c.1226_1227del r.(1226_1227del) (p.Gln209fs) Hetero N/A - g.47429891_47429892del - MSH2_000067 - - Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 1 7 c.1255C>T r.(1255c>u) p.(Gln419*) Hetero N/A - g.47429920C>T - MSH2_000062 - - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
-/- 1 7i c.1276+51C>A r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no - g.47429992C>A - MSH2_000013 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano
?/? 1 8 c.1346A>G r.(1346a>g) (p.Lys449Arg) Hetero no - g.47672756A>G - MSH2_000069 rs879254064 - Norma Rossi - Sanatorio Allende
?/? 1 9 c.1510G>T r.(1510g>u) p.Gly504Cys Hetero no - g.47463154G>C - MSH2_000066 rs63751600 - Laura Vargas Roig-IMBECU
+/+ 1 9i c.1510+2_1510+50del r.spl? p.? Hetero N/A RECLASSIFIED JULY 2022 g.47463156_47463204del - MSH2_000034 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
-/- 12 9i c.1511-91G>T r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Homo MSH2, no, PMS2 - g.47466567G>T - MSH2_000014 - - Lina Nuñez-Hospital Alemán, Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano, Florencia Petracchi-CEMIC
./-, -/- 16 9i c.1511-9A>T r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Not specified no, MLH1, PMS2, MSH2 - g.47466649A>T - MSH2_000017 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad, Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano
?/? 1 10 c.1571G>A r.(1571g>a) p.(Arg524His) Hetero no - g.47466718G>A - MSH2_000072 rs63751207 - Nerina Anmuth-Sanatorio Parque
?/? 1 10 c.1600C>T r.? p.(Arg534Cys) Hetero no - g.47466747C>T - MSH2_000084 rs63750029 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
?/? 1 10 c.1617T>A r.(?) p.(Phe539Leu) Hetero no - g.47466764T>A - MSH2_000036 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
+?/+? 1 10i c.1661+5G>C r.spl? p.? Hetero N/A - g.47466813G>C - MSH2_000038 - - Erika Stegmayer-Hospital Zenon Santillan
-/- 1 10i c.1661+9G>A r.(=) p.(=) Hetero MSH2 - g.47466817G>A - MSH2_000008 - - Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano
-/- 24 10i c.1661+12G>A r.(=) p.(=) Hetero, Homo no, MLH1, BRCA2;MSH2, MSH2, PMS2 - g.47466820G>A - MSH2_000003 - - Florencia Petracchi-CEMIC, Lina Nuñez-Hospital Alemán, Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Carlos Vaccaro-Hospital Italiano, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad, Jose Llugdar-Instituto Oulton, Dolores Mansilla-Instituto Roffo
./- 1 10i c.1662-9G>A r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no - g.47470956G>A - MSH2_000050 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
+?/? 1 11 c.1680_1681insATA r.(?) p.(Asn560_Glu561insIle) Hetero no - g.47470983_47470984insATA - MSH2_000053 - - Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba
?/- 1 11i c.1760-126A>T r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no RECLASSIFIED JULY 2022 g.47474899A>T - MSH2_000015 - - Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 1 12 c.1786_1788del r.? (p.Asn596del) Hetero N/A - g.47475051_47475053del - MSH2_000080 rs63749831 - Jesica Ramirez-Hospital Central de Mendoza
-/? 1 12 c.1787A>G r.(?) p.(Asn596Ser) Hetero MLH1 RECLASSIFIED JULY 2022 g.47475052A>G - MSH2_000023 - - Gonzalo Tabares-CEMA
+?/+? 1 12 c.1807G>A r.(?) p.(Asp603Asn) Hetero no RECLASSIFIED JULY 2022 g.47475072G>A - MSH2_000043 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
+/+ 3 12 c.1840G>T r.(?) p.(Gly614*) Hetero N/A - g.47475105G>T - MSH2_000037 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
+/+ 1 12 c.1861C>T r.(?) p.(Arg621*) Hetero N/A - g.47475126C>T - MSH2_000058 - - Marcela Lopez-CEMAFE
?/? 2 12 c.1868C>T r.(?), r.? p.(Ala623Val) Hetero PALB2, BRCA1 - g.47475133C>T - MSH2_000057 - - Carolina Ponce-Instituto Fleming, Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
+/+ 1 12 c.1906G>C r.(?) p.(Ala636Pro) Hetero BRCA1 - g.47475171G>C - MSH2_000021 - - Lucas Sanchez-Sanatorio Méndez
-/-, ./- 13 12i c.2006-6T>C r.(=) p.(=) Hetero no, MLH1, MSH2, BRCA2 - g.47476361T>C - MSH2_000005 - - Florencia Petracchi-CEMIC, Lina Nuñez-Hospital Alemán, Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad, Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano, Dolores Mansilla-Instituto Roffo
?/? 1 13 c.2009C>T r.? p.(Pro670Leu) Hetero no - g.47476370C>T - MSH2_000081 rs41294982 - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
?/? 2 13 c.2072T>C r.(2072u>c) p.(Ile691Thr) Hetero PALB2, no - g.47476433T>C - MSH2_000070 rs754824872 - Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba, Angelucci Guillermina - Hospital Centeno 
+?/+? 1 13 c.2072_2079delinsTGGATAGTACTCATGGCCCAAT r.? p.(Ile691MetfsTer24) Hetero no - g.47476433_47476440delinsTGGATAGTACTCATGGCCCAAT - MSH2_000082 - - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
+/+ 1 13 c.2092G>T r.(?) p.(Glu698*) Hetero N/A - g.47476453G>T - MSH2_000040 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
+/+ 5 13 c.2131C>T r.(?), r.(2131c>u) p.(Arg711*) Hetero N/A - g.47476492C>T - MSH2_000020 - - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice, Maria Constanza Vallone-Hospital Austral, Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
?/? 1 13 c.2132G>A r.(?) p.(Arg711Gln) Hetero no - g.47476493G>A - MSH2_000060 - - Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
+/+ 1 13 c.2145del r.? p.(Asp716fs) Hetero N/A - g.47476506del - MSH2_000076 rs1553369164 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
?/? 1 13 c.2195C>G r.(2195c>g) p.(Thr732Ser) Hetero no - g.47476556C>G - MSH2_000064 - - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad
?/? 5 14, 13 c.2354A>G r.(?), r.? p.(His785Arg) Hetero no, PMS2;RAD51D, BRCA2 - g.47478415A>G - MSH2_000055 rs200252727 - Silvina Sisterna-Hospital de Comunidad, Marcela Lopez - Instituto Donna, Claudia Martin-Hospital de Córdoba, Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
?/?, ./? 3 14 c.2399T>C r.(?) p.(Leu800Pro) Hetero, Not specified no - g.47478460T>C - MSH2_000052 - - Marina Antelo-Hospital Udaondo
?/? 1 15 c.2527T>C r.? p.(Cys843Arg) Hetero no - g.47480764T>C - MSH2_000079 rs1667495338 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
+/+ 1 15 c.2539_2542delAAAG r.(?) p.(Lys847Profs*44) Hetero BRCA2 - g.47480776_47480779delAAAG - MSH2_000001 - - Lina Nuñez-Private Practice
?/? 2 15 c.2596A>T r.(2596a>u) p.(Met866Leu) Hetero no - g.47480833A>T - MSH2_000061 - - Virginia Miretti-Hospital de Córdoba, Laura Vargas Roig-IMBECU
+/+ 1 15i c.2635-24A>G r.? p.? Hetero no - g.47482755A>G - MSH2_000083 rs1667575488 - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
+?/+? 1 15i c.2635-1G>C r.? p.? Hetero N/A - g.47482778G>C - MSH2_000078 - - Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
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