Disease #00030 (Colorectal cancer (Colorectal cancer))

Official abbreviation Colorectal cancer
Name Colorectal cancer
Inheritance -
Individuals reported having this disease 17
Phenotype entries for this disease -
Associated with 0 genes -
Associated tissues -
Disease features -
Remarks -


17 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 17.
Legend   How to query  

AscendingIndividual ID     

Ethnic origin     



Cuadro familiar     


Phenotype details     

Genes screened

Variants in genes


Panel size     

00002345 Spanish - Spanish - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - MSH2, NTHL1, POLE 3 1 Maria Laura Gonzalez-Hospital Italiano
00002359 French/Italian – Italian - - Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer, Pancreatic cancer Colorectal cancer - - - - 1 Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
00002399 italian - Argentinean/Italian - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - MLH1 1 1 Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
00002405 Italian - Argentinean / Spanish - - Colorectal cancer, Breast cancer Colorectal cancer - - - - 1 Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
00002414 Italian - Argentinean - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - PMS2 1 1 Erika Stegmayer-CIOC
00002416 Spanish - Argentinean - - Colonic polyposis, Colorectal cancer Colonic Polyposis, Colorectal cancer - APC, MUTYH, POLD1, POLE, PTEN, SMAD4, STK11 - 1 1 Erika Stegmayer-CIOC
00002505 Paraguaian - Argentinean - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - - - 1 Yolanda Isabel Medina - Hospital Juan D. Perón
00002546 Argentinean - Argentinean - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - - - 1 Yolanda Isabel Medina - Hospital Juan D. Perón
00002613 Argentinean / Paraguaian - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - APC, ATM 2 1 Yolanda Isabel Medina - Hospital Juan D. Perón
00002664 Italian/Spanish - Spanish - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - - - 1 Pablo Kalfayan-Hospital Italiano
00002863 jew (sefaradi) - jew (Ashkenazi) - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - APC, BLM 2 1 Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
00002894 israelite - French Basque - - Corectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - - - 1 Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
00002944 Italian - Spanish - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - CASR, FANCM 2 1 Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
00003152 Italian / Spanish - - Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer - - FANCM, MLH1 2 1 Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
00003242 Unknown - - Breast cancer, Colon cancer Colorectal cancer - - - - 1 Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
00003265 German/Syrian - - Breast cancer,Colorectal cancer, Lymphoma Colorectal cancer - - BARD1, FANCF, FANCG, FANCI, GALNT12, MRE11, RET 7 1 Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
00003363 Italian - - Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis, Colon cancer Colonic Polyposis, Colorectal cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma - - APC, MSH2 2 1 Guillermo Alberto-Instituto Fleming
Legend   How to query